Wednesday 18 January 2012

prohibition - banning of alcohol!
  • hope to reduce crime
  • mob controlled liquor
  • gangsters owned speak easies
  • large night clubs with shows and bands
  • law enforcement widely bribed

  • Isidor Einstein (Izzy Einstein) and his fellow Prohibition agent, Moe Smith, were the best known Prohibition agents in the country. 
  • Izzy Einstein's success was based on his skill in disguising himself.
  • Izzy and Moe Smith made 4,932 arrests of bartenders, bootleggers and speakeasy owners with an amazing 95 percent conviction rate. 
  • with arrests he typically announced "There's sad news here. You're under arrest."
  • Many establishments had signs warning bartenders not to serve Einstein, a task made difficult because of his disguises.
  • After a busy day arresting Prohibition offenders, Izzy and Moe enjoyed sitting back and enjoying their favorite beverages, which were beer and cocktails. Such hypocrisy was common throughout National Prohibition, even at the highest levels. 

  • Prohibition agents routinely broke the law themselves. They shot innocent people and regularly destroyed citizens' vehicles, homes, businesses, and other valuable property. They even illegally sank a large Canadian ship. vi

  • chumleys is a known speak easy i could possibly use for my images

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